Kamis, 19 Februari 2015

PDF⋙ The Cods of Cape Cod (Shankman & O'Neill) by Ed Shankman

The Cods of Cape Cod (Shankman & O'Neill) by Ed Shankman

The Cods of Cape Cod (Shankman & O'Neill)

The Cods of Cape Cod (Shankman & O'Neill) by Ed Shankman PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

"The team who brought grins to young readers with ""The Boston Balloonies"" and ""I Met a Moose in Maine"" have created a third charmer about a family of codfish and their friends. According to Shankman's rhyming narrative: The Cods of Cape Cod / Love their summer vacation, / And though they could go / Anywhere in the nation, / They keep coming back / To their favorite location, / 'Cause they know that Cape Cod's / A vacation sensation! The Cods of Cape Cod / Have a house on the beach, / And it's just the right size, / With a fish tank for each. . . . To this colorful fish-friendly house come the Cods' many fishy friends, shrimp comes from Sandwich, bass from Mashpee, swordfish from Chatham, and so on. And boy, do they know how to have fun! "

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